Law is a collection of rules that form the framework to ensure a peaceful society. These are enforced by the state, and if they are breached sanctions can be imposed. There are many different laws in existence, covering a wide range of subjects. Banking law dictates the minimum amounts of capital that banks must hold, whilst investment law sets out best practice and protects against the risk of a financial crisis. Environmental laws govern how companies are allowed to use natural resources and impose restrictions on the production of waste. Regulatory law covers how private businesses are allowed to provide public services and utilities, such as water, energy, gas and telecoms. This type of law also covers how a company can be punished for breaking health and safety regulations.
The precise definition of Law is a subject of long debate, and there are a variety of different theories on what it should comprise. Some, like Hans Kelsen’s ‘pure theory of law’ argue that the purpose of law is to create normative rules. Others, such as Friedrich Karl von Savigny, argue that law should be seen as a product of unconscious and organic growth. In this theory, the laws of a nation develop as customs do, and these are essentially superior to statutory law.
Legal systems vary around the world, with some countries having a written constitution that outlines basic rights and freedoms. These are enforceable by the courts, and they can also be amended as a result of social change or new challenges. Other nations may have a less formal system, with judges making up the rules as they go along, known as common law jurisdictions.
Another aspect of Law is the way in which it influences politics, economics and history. A society’s laws can shape the nature of its politics, as they can determine how power is transferred between the government and other parts of the country or region. They can also influence economic trends, as they can dictate how money is distributed and how business is conducted.
A final important aspect of Law is the way in which it interacts with morality and ethics. Some legal theories, such as Bentham’s utilitarian theories, have argued that the law should incorporate morality and be seen as a tool for achieving utilitarian goals. Others, such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, argued that the law should reflect innate moral laws that are unchanging.
When writing about Law, it is important to remember that it is a constantly changing and evolving field of study. It is therefore important to keep up with the latest developments and changes in the law, as this will allow you to write informative and useful articles that are relevant to your audience. In addition, it is important to avoid using jargon, as this can make your article seem difficult to read and can alienate your readership. A good test is to ask yourself whether your grandparents would be able to understand your article – if they can, then you have succeeded!