The Daily News, officially the New York Daily News, is a daily newspaper based in Jersey City, NJ. It was founded by Joseph Medill Patterson in 1919 as the Illustrated Daily News and reached its peak circulation in 1947 at 2.4 million copies a day. Today, the newspaper is still a top choice for news and information.
Newspapers are a great way for students to learn the ins and outs of writing. Most large city newspapers start with a meeting of editors to decide how much editorial content will be printed in each issue. They will then make editorial assignments to various departments. The first part of the paper will usually feature a section of national and international news. Correspondents will email in stories and the editors will check them for accuracy. Sometimes they will rewrite a story, add new information, or shorten it.
Newspapers also feature a section called the masthead. This section of the newspaper displays the publication’s name and logo. The masthead is often found on the back of the first page of the newspaper, near the editorial page. Newspapers also use a nameplate on the front page, which features the title and logo of the paper. Newspapers also use titles and subheads, called op-eds, or flags, to attract the attention of readers.
Pulitzer Prizes
The Pulitzer Prize for the Daily News is one of the most coveted journalism awards in the world. The award is bestowed for reporting in a variety of categories, and the Daily News has won several of them. The Pulitzers are usually presented at Columbia University in New York City, but this year, the board of jurors hashed out the finalists from a remote location. This year’s winners, which included The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and Vice News, focused on reporting on climate change. The Pulitzers are also awarded in seven other categories.
In addition to its two Pulitzer Prizes for Daily News coverage, the Anchorage Daily News also won one for public service for its investigative series “Lawless,” which looked into the state’s failing criminal justice system. The series was produced in partnership with nonprofit newsroom ProPublica. The investigative reporting team was led by ADN reporter Kyle Hopkins, with contributions from ADN staff members as well as from ProPublica, which is a nonprofit newsroom that partners with local news organizations nationwide.
Online editions
Online editions of the Daily News are available to anyone who subscribes to the newspaper. These editions include full local digital access, including subscriber-only stories, video and audio features, classifieds, and 24 hour obituaries and legal notices. You can also access these editions through an app. The app also features a print edition label and browsing mode.
In 2007, virtually all major printed newspapers in the United States had online editions. In many countries, these web editions are regulated by various journalism bodies, such as the UK’s Press Complaints Commission. Some traditional print newspapers are undergoing a transition to online editions due to the dwindling profitability of their print editions. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, which published a newspaper for 149 years, closed down its print version in March 2009.
Print editions
The Daily News offers digital and print editions of its newspapers for subscribers. The e-edition features subscriber-only stories, video and audio features, classified ads, and 24/7 obituaries. Whether you are looking for a local or national news story, you can find it in the digital edition.
There are many reasons why a newspaper would want to cut its print editions. Rising costs and declining demand have led to a significant decrease in print frequency. Many publishers are filling the void by delivering their digital editions and 24/7 access online. As a result, more than half of the top 100 daily newspapers now publish print editions six days a week or less. The other half publish print editions just one or two times a week.
Daily News, LP is a news publisher based in New York, NY. The newspaper is a broadsheet, offering a variety of content, including features, classified ads, and opinion articles. It also publishes three websites. The Daily News website is a comprehensive collection of news content, and the newspaper’s online edition offers even more coverage.