A show put on for the entertainment of others.
Something affording pleasure or diversion; amusement: Solving the daily crossword puzzle is an entertaining occupation for many. a common suffix of Latin origin used to form nouns describing the result or product of the action of a verb, as in amazement, betterment, and merriment; with verb stems ending in -er, a -i is usually inserted between the root and the suffix (as in commenc-e-ment from commencer).
Entertaiment is also a term commonly applied to forms of social communication whose primary purpose is not information but gratification. For example, music and movies can be entertainment for passive audiences, while sports and games may provide entertainment only for active participants. These types of activities are characterized by their ability to transcend different communication media and have demonstrated a remarkable degree of creative remix potential. Entertaiment is also a popular theme in the world of social networking and blogs.